Stylish and Comfy with Adidas!

6:36 PM

Hello everyone!
I am here with new outfit for you! To inspire you, to steal some of your time, to share some good vibes, whatever you want... 
Anyways, I mixed a few 'trends' in this outfit: white leather pants, camel coat, denim shirt and sneakers. I know that a lot of people just don't get this new thing about wearing sneakers with a coat, shirt and everything, but I love it! It is a bit risky to put sneakers in a very stylish outfit, but I went for safe combination, and I got sooo many positive reactions to this outfit.
Also, these are the colors that are very IN lately.. I just love taking some fashion trends and adjusting them to fit my style and my personality.. But one of my favorite things about fashion is all the fun you have creating looks and matching patterns,colors textures and layers...It truly is art!

Caooo svima!
Tu je novi post, da vas inspirise, ukrade malo vremena, nadam se i rasiri malo pozitivne energije...
Spojila sam vise aktuelnih 'trendova' u ovom outfit-u: bele kozne pantalone, krem kaput, teksas kosulju i sportske patike. Znam da mnogi ne kapiraju ovaj trend sa sportskim patikama uz malo elegantniju kombinaciju, ali ja ga obozavam! Jeste malo rizicno za kombinovanje, ali ja sam isla na sigurnu kombinaciju boja, i dobila mnogo komplimenata za outfit.
Takodje, ove boje su hit za prolece.. Najbolje sto mozete da uradite sa trendovima koji su aktuelni jeste da ih prilagodite svom stilu tako da pristaje uz vas, vasu licnost.. To je i ono sto ja obozavam kod mode, obozavam da se igram sa kombinovanjem boja, materijala, slojeva... to je umetnost!  
 Sneakers - Adidas
Coat - FashionRoomBeograd
Shirt and leather pants - Zara
Bag - Michael Kors
Sunnies - got them at some random store on Malta

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  1. Svidja mi se outfit, bas je i udoban i trendy u isto vreme. Inače, sve pohvale za blog. Ako želiš da se zapratimo, obavesti me na mom blogu :-)


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