Dubrovnik outfit

10:15 AM

 Hi guys!
So I just wanted to share this look I wore in Dubrovnik/Croatia with you. I didn't really plan on putting it up on blog just because I thought it wasn't good enough for blog. But when we came to Dubrovnik, and saw how beautiful it was, we took some great photos and I decided to post them anyways...
I'm just wearing this super comfy and cute dress from Koton, my Mona gold shoulder bag, and some white Converse sneakers, cause they are the best for strolling around the city and exploring. I know that you think I could have chosen some shoes that would match this outfit better, BUT as I said - I wanted to feel comfortable in the first place. And let me tell you - that is usually NOT my moto as I'm constantly torturing myself with some feet-killer-shoes (like in THIS post ). I honestly don't know what happened to me here when I decided rationally.
Oh, and check out my flash tattoo.. It actually lasts a lot longer than I expected which is amazing, and I got sooo many compliments about it.. :)
Dubrovnik is such a beautiful place, it reminds me of some hidden pearl of the Adriatic sea. The beaches are perfect with a water so turquoise and clear it is incredible. The photos of the outfit are taken in the old city of Dubrovnik full of pretty little corners that are just waiting for curious tourists to explore them. It really is something special and I recommend to everyone to visit it!
 Cao svima!
Nisam planirala da se slikam za blog kada sam pre neki dan otisla da posetim Dubrovnik. Valjda sam mislila da ovaj outfit nije dovoljno 'dobar' za blog. Ali Dubrovnik je zaista prelep, slike su lepo ispale pa sam resila ipak da objavim post.
Obukla sam ovu preslatku preudobnu Koton haljinicu (trenutno je na snizenju u Kotonu za nekih 1700 din, da znate), Mona zlatna torbica i bele strake. Znaaaam da sada mislite da sam mogla da iskombinujem sa ovim i neke bolje cipelice, ALI zelela sam da mi bude udobno za setnjicu po Dubrovniku. Ovo obicno nije moj moto, s obzirom da stalno mucim sebe sa nekim neudobnim cipelama ( kao u ovom postu ), tako da ne znam sta mi se sada desilo pa sam odlucila racionalno. Btw sta kazete za moju zlatnu tetovazicu? Traje mnogo duze nego sto sam ocekivala, iako se lepi vodom, bukvalno kao one tetovaze iz zvake, ali traje vec 5-6 dana. I dobila sam mnoogo komlimenata za tetovazicu.. :)

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  1. Tetovaze su odlicne i lepo izgledaju, a outfit je bas casual i dopao mi se :**

  2. Outfit je u svakom slucaju dovoljno dobar za blog! A i slike su predivne :)



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