TRAVEL: Photo diary from Dusseldorf

6:13 PM

Heeey babies!
After a little break I am back with a new travel post! I spent 2 weeks in Dusseldor this summer and that was my first time ever in Germany! I had plenty of time to relax and explore with my B.F.F. and I must say we had a great time (Ok, we always have a great time together no matter where we are :D )! Anyways, since this was not a sponsored trip or anything I decided to post a little photo diary of all the interesting photos I took during this trip.
I must say that I was pleasantly surprised with Dusseldorf. Not that I expected anything bad, but I just didn't expect anything special, considering that I didn't know much about this city. The first impression was that this is a very fancy city along with its citizens. Everything is impeccable from architecture, roads and parks to fashion sense of the passers-by (which is something I always notice). This is one of the most fashion cities I have ever visited (and I have visited a lot of Europe) and that is always a good sign for a fashion blogger- meaning the shopping will be good! :D
Cao cao caoooo svima!

Nakon male pauze vracam se sa novim postom sa putovanja! Provela sam dve nedelje u Dizeldorfu i to je ujedno bila moja prva poseta Nemackoj. Imala sam dovoljno vremena da uzivam i istrazujem sa svojom kumom i moram reci da smo se divno provele (Ok, mi se uvek dobro provedemo kada smo zajedno gde god :D )!

Moram priznati da sam se prijatno iznenadila Dizeldorfom. Nije da sam ocekivala nesto lose, ali nisam ni ocekivala nista specijalno s obzirom da nisam znala mnogo o ovom gradu. Prvi utisak je da je Dizeldorf veoma ..fensi'' grad, kao i njegovi stanovnici. Sve je besprekorno, od arhitekture, puteva i parkova, do modnog stila prolaznika (nesto sto uvek primetim kada sam u novom gradu). izuzetan modni stil stanovnika smesta ovaj grad na sam vrh lestvice svih koje sam do sada posetila (a posetila sam dosta evropskih gradova), sto je za modnog blogera uvek dobar znak- soping ce biti dobar! :D

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