All black with a bit of ruffle!

4:51 PM

Hello Loves! I have a new post for you today.. Let's all pretend it's a bit warmer than it actually is, for the sake of this outfit, because it has been enough of freezing for me today. The things we do for a good photo never cease to amaze me. Anyways, I am obsessed with black lately, therefore, here is an all black look! My advice when wearing one-color outfits is to play with texture and layers, that way you will make your plane outfit a bit more interesting and fun. 
The ruffle-sleeves top is actually a dress from SHEIN which I combined with this cute Forever21 skirt. I love layering dresses underneath skirts, and plus, I totally overestimated myself and ordered size M instead of S. But, you gotta work with what you have, you know. :D It turned out super cool though, I looooove this outfit soooo much! Do you like it? kisses

Cao svimaaa! Imam novi outfit post za vas danas. Molim vas, pretvarajmo se da je malo toplije nego sto zaista jeste, dosta mi je smrzavanja za danas. Sta sve necu uraditi za dobru sliku, prosto neverovatno. Bilo kako bilo, opsednuta sam sam crnom boojom u poslednje vreme. Moj savet kada nosite jednobojni outfit je da se igrate sa slojevima, razlicitim materijalima i teksturama. Na taj nacin cete prilicno jednostavnu kombinaciju uciniti zanimljivijom.
Ovaj top sa karnericima je zapravo haljina sa sajta  SHEIN koju sam iskombinovala sa ovom slatkom Forever21 suknjicom. Volim da kombinujem haljinu ispod suknje, i plus je to sto sam porucila za broj vecu haljinu pa sam vadila stvar sa ovom suknjom.. haha! Znate kako se kaze, snadji se s onim sto imas, Kako god, ispalo je super, meni je outfit jaaako dopada.. A vama?
Dress-top- Shein
Skirt- Forever21

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