Back on track in silk...

1:20 PM

Hi lovely followers and friends!
It has been ages since the last time I posted, I know.. I started working 9-5 and at the same time I'm finishing my studies so it was very hard to find time to even post on MY INSTAGRAM, let alone organise photoshoots and post here on blog. BUT, I decided to come back and find a way to make it work because this is my biggest love and I don't want to give it up!

I teamed up with this amazing designer DINA S. and made this entire outfit around one of the dresses she designed.. OMG the color of this dress is just insane. I love dresses like this because they are super easy to combine with other pieces and wear on all occasions. 
Hope you like the outfit and the photos.. Make sure to leave comments and let me know what you think...
Love you!

Zdravooo svima dragi moji!
Proslo je previse vremena od mog prethodnog posta, znam.. Pocela sam da radim od 9-5, a u isto vreme zavrsavam fax, tako da jedva pronalazim vremena da postujem na INSTAGRAM, a kamoli organizujem slikanja i postove za blog. :( ALI, resila sam da se vratim i pronadjem nacina da odrzim sve ovo u ,,zivotu'', s obzirom da je ovo zaista moja najveca ljubav! :)

Za ovaj post udruzila sam se sa dizajnerkom DINA S i napravila ovaj ceo outfit oko haljinice koju je ona dizajnirala. Boja ove haljine je apsolutno fantasticna! Obozavam haljinice kao sto je ova zato sto su veoma jednostavne za kombinovanje, mogu se nositi u svim prilikama, a daju autfitu tu chic notu. 
Nadam se da vam se dopada autfit i slike. Obavezno napisite vase utiske u komentarima...
Volim vas!
Dress DINA S.
Belt- Mango
Shoes- H&M
Bag- Zara
Choker- Forever21
Sunglasses- Prada

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