top 10 movies to watch during Summer!

12:18 PM

I love watching movies and listening to music that put me in Summer mode right before the Summer actually starts. It gives me tons of inspiration, great vibes and just positive energy about whatever it is that Summer brings. I asked you on MY INSTAGRAM to recommend some of your favorite summer movies and based on those recommendations and some of my own I created this list. 
Yes I know that there are one too many Nicholas Sparks movies on this list, but we have to face it - they bring out special kind of emotions..  
How many of these movies have you already seen? Let me know in the comments below...

Enjoy your summer!

Ja sam jedna od onih koje obozavaju da gledaju filmove i slusaju muziku koja ce me ubaciti u taj 'letnji fazon', pre nego sto leto zapravo pocne. Na taj nacin prikupim inspiraciju i napunim se pozitivnom energijom za sta god me ceka tog leta. Pitala sam vas na MOM INSTAGRAMU da predlozite koji su to vasi omiljeni letnji filmovi i na osnovu tih predloga, kao i nekih svojih, napravila sam ovu listu.
Ok, svesna sam da vecinu ove liste cine Nicholas Sparks filmovi ali budimo realni - oni zaista bude posebna osecanja kod nas zena... 
Koliko ste filmova sa ove liste vec pogledali? (ja sam vecinu pogledala i vise puta... ali Pssssst!)

Uzivajte u vasem letu!

1. Palm trees in the snow (Palme u snegu)

2. Safe haven (Utočište)

3. Vicky Christina Barcelona

4. The perfect wave 

5. Mamma Mia!

6. Last Vegas (Legende u Vegasu)

7. Message in a bottle (Poruka u boci)


8. Overboard (Preko palube)

9. The last song (Poslednja pesma)

10. Sex and the City 2 (Seks i grad 2)

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