travel diary: Valencia + Malcom and Barret Hotel
3:42 PM
Hi loves!
Hope your preparations for Summer are going smoothly! Have you already decided where you'll spend your holidays? Somewhere nice and warm hopefully! :)
I have started my summer tour with a short trip to Valencia - Spain. Ever since I visited Valencia for the first time a couple of years ago I knew I had to come back. It is one of those cities that have it all- the beautiful old town, the modern part (with all the shopping you may wish for), the beach, the most delicious food and the kindest citizens! I always say that if I had a chance to pick a place on planet to live, it would be Valencia.
Zdravo svima!
Nadam se da se sa uživanjem pripremate za predstojeće leto! Jeste li već odlučili gde ćete provesti odmor? Negde gde je toplo i opuštajuće, nadam se! :)
Ja sam započela svoju letnju turneju u Valensiji (Španija). Još kada sam prvi put posetila Valensiju pre par godina, znala sam da ću morati da se vratim. To je jedan od onih gradova koji ima sve - prelep stari grad ali takođe i moderan deo (gde možete šopingovati do mile volje :D ), plažu, bezbroj restorana sa preukusnom hranom (čitaj - neprevaziđena ''Jamon Serrano'' pršuta!!!!) i najljubaznije, najpredusretljivije lokalce. Ja uvek kažem da ako bih mogla da biram mesto na planeti gde bih volela da živim - to bi definitivno bila Valensija!
Hotel u kome smo odseli ovih par dana je hotel Malcom and Barret koji se nalazi veoma blizu čuvenog ''Grada Nauke i Umetnosti''. Ako želite da stignete do plaže ili starog grada izuzetno je jednostavno koristiti gradski prevoz (ukoliko niste smotani kao ja...u tom slucaju ništa nije jednostavno!), a postoji mogućnost rentiranja bicikla što je u Španiji veoma popularno.
Sam hotel nudi apsolutno sve što vam je neophodno za ovakvu vrstu odmora. Sobe su konforne, lepo uredjene, čiste, a meni se izuzetno dopao enterijer lobija hotela i recepcije. Takođe, moram da pohvatim osoblje sa recepcije, zaista su maksimalno predusretljivi i ljubazni.
Ono što ne prestaje da me iznenađuje je hrana u Španiji koja je FENOMENALNA! Doručak u hotelskom restoranu je bio izvanredan, toliko da smo nakon njega preskakali ručak, a na večeru pravac TAPASI (za one koji ne znaju- tapasi su mali sendviči i razne grickalice koji se služe najčešće u barovima uz pivo i neku dobru muziku :) ).
The Hotel we stayed in is called Malcom and Barret and it is located very close to the famous ''City of Arts and Sciences''. If you want to get to the beach or the old town, using public transport is extremely easy from the hotel, and there is also a possibility to rent a bike, which is very popular in Spain. The hotel itself offers everything you might need for this kind of vacation. The rooms are comfortable, nicely decorated, clean, and I loved how the lobby and the reception area were decorated. Also, I have to mention the staff in the hotel, they were all super kind and helpful.
Every time I come to Spain I get more surprised about how amazing their food is! The breakfast at the hotel restaurant was PERFECTION. We would be so full after the breakfast that we skipped lunch and for dinner, of course, TAPAAAAAS (for those who don't know, tapas are small sandwiches other snacks served mostly at bars with a glass of beer and some nice music).
Now I will let you enjoy the photos and make sure you let me know how you liked this post in the comments below!

Hope your preparations for Summer are going smoothly! Have you already decided where you'll spend your holidays? Somewhere nice and warm hopefully! :)
I have started my summer tour with a short trip to Valencia - Spain. Ever since I visited Valencia for the first time a couple of years ago I knew I had to come back. It is one of those cities that have it all- the beautiful old town, the modern part (with all the shopping you may wish for), the beach, the most delicious food and the kindest citizens! I always say that if I had a chance to pick a place on planet to live, it would be Valencia.
Zdravo svima!
Nadam se da se sa uživanjem pripremate za predstojeće leto! Jeste li već odlučili gde ćete provesti odmor? Negde gde je toplo i opuštajuće, nadam se! :)
Ja sam započela svoju letnju turneju u Valensiji (Španija). Još kada sam prvi put posetila Valensiju pre par godina, znala sam da ću morati da se vratim. To je jedan od onih gradova koji ima sve - prelep stari grad ali takođe i moderan deo (gde možete šopingovati do mile volje :D ), plažu, bezbroj restorana sa preukusnom hranom (čitaj - neprevaziđena ''Jamon Serrano'' pršuta!!!!) i najljubaznije, najpredusretljivije lokalce. Ja uvek kažem da ako bih mogla da biram mesto na planeti gde bih volela da živim - to bi definitivno bila Valensija!
Sam hotel nudi apsolutno sve što vam je neophodno za ovakvu vrstu odmora. Sobe su konforne, lepo uredjene, čiste, a meni se izuzetno dopao enterijer lobija hotela i recepcije. Takođe, moram da pohvatim osoblje sa recepcije, zaista su maksimalno predusretljivi i ljubazni.
Ono što ne prestaje da me iznenađuje je hrana u Španiji koja je FENOMENALNA! Doručak u hotelskom restoranu je bio izvanredan, toliko da smo nakon njega preskakali ručak, a na večeru pravac TAPASI (za one koji ne znaju- tapasi su mali sendviči i razne grickalice koji se služe najčešće u barovima uz pivo i neku dobru muziku :) ).
The Hotel we stayed in is called Malcom and Barret and it is located very close to the famous ''City of Arts and Sciences''. If you want to get to the beach or the old town, using public transport is extremely easy from the hotel, and there is also a possibility to rent a bike, which is very popular in Spain. The hotel itself offers everything you might need for this kind of vacation. The rooms are comfortable, nicely decorated, clean, and I loved how the lobby and the reception area were decorated. Also, I have to mention the staff in the hotel, they were all super kind and helpful.
Every time I come to Spain I get more surprised about how amazing their food is! The breakfast at the hotel restaurant was PERFECTION. We would be so full after the breakfast that we skipped lunch and for dinner, of course, TAPAAAAAS (for those who don't know, tapas are small sandwiches other snacks served mostly at bars with a glass of beer and some nice music).
Now I will let you enjoy the photos and make sure you let me know how you liked this post in the comments below!

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